Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

This textbook is an all in one teachers manual and reading program, with activities and readers. It uses the Distar method and has been used successfully by many home educating families. I liked this textbook as having never taught reading before, it’s all there for you. It provides you with a brief tutorial before starting the program and scripted lessons for you to do with your child. As the program provides it’s own stories (starting with letters and short words, developing into A4 length stories) there is no need for additional readers. The program textbook can be readily purchased online or in book stores for around $20 so it is very inexpensive.

I would advise anyone new to the program to take the time to read the brief tutorial to familiarise with this method and to ensure your child displays good phonological awareness before starting. I made the mistake of introducing the program too early and my daughter soon become overwhelmed trying to remember so many newly introduced letter sounds. Having taken a step back and ensuring she knew the main sound for each letter of the alphabet and then restarting the program, she quickly developed into reading short stories and is in the final stages of the program Alhamdulillah.

Kind regards,

Michelle Dodge Brakey