Why do you have so much stuff?

Why do you have so much stuff?

by Ozma Um Omar

Hmm...where do we start?

This question i have heard upteen times, starting from the husband right till my daugthers' school going neighbour friends..

Inviting people on Eid or otherwise has become a dilema.

We live in a small unit, and we homeschool. The living room is the literal living room..its our study our library our guest room our computer room our playground etc and occasionally our dinning as well.

Everytime we have some one visit us, they get a civlisational shock 😁😁.

For sometime I cut off socialising inorder to avoid the judgmental looks and.questions ,but then realised ,if I dont show them this side , how will they know ?

Homeschooling is still unchartered territory for many of our acquaintances

And they say we fear the things that we dont understand.

Society seems to take you on your face value, judge you by the cover, underestimate your struggles or be totally oblivious to them.

Having said that, its an irony that their kids actually spend their best time when.they visit us. They enjoy my childrens' company, and long for having a home like ours lol where in everthing is at arms reach and you can flip through a book here and spin the globe there. You can make a quick origami frog and see goey stuff under a microscope.

They can read stories of the Prophets in our Musjid corner and join our salat at time of prayers

Most importantly, they can enjoy the.essence of being free to explore and be unchained from shackles of conformity .

This gives me strength to continue and keep up the struggle. If my kids hrow up to be people that are able to give happiness and respect to those around them the judgmental attitudes of those around me doesn't matter.